Sustainability is about meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being. In this series, One Cozy Nest talks to other makers to find out how they live and create a sustainable life.
Interview with Tracy Nuskey-Dodson of The Vintage Sister Studio

What does the word sustainability mean to you?

To me, sustainability means creating a quality item, art, or craft that will last a long time and leave the least amount of waste possible.
Why is sustainability important to you as a creator?

Sustainability is important to me as a creator because as a maker, we have the ability to create a lot of waste. With a little forethought and planning, we can minimize the damage we do to the earth.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I need to buy something new from a store?
- Do I have something on hand that will work just as well or maybe even better?
- Is it something that can be found at a thrift store or from your local Buy Nothing Facebook group?
I find the answer is usually yes.
What sustainable materials do you use in your art or craft?

Thrifting has always been my go to for my mixed media art. Old books, sheet music, raffle tickets. Yarn, old metal trays, cardboard and buttons. With the popularity of thrift stores and local Buy Nothing groups on Facebook, the amount of inexpensive or free art supplies is endless.
What sustainable practices do you use at home?

An example of a sustainable practice for me would be always saving scraps of fabric, felt, yard and thread in a plastic bag. When I make a pillow, I use the scraps as stuffing. If I don’t have enough scraps, I can use the stuffing from a thrifted pillow to supplement it. After a while it becomes second nature to think in terms of “How can I accomplish this without buying new?”.
What would you like One Cozy Nest readers to know about you?

I’d like everyone to know that creating things sustainably adds a fun challenge to the creation – the thrill of the hunt for the perfect “canvas” or finding something unusual that kick starts your imagination. I find that using found items makes for a much more interesting, one of a kind piece. As an added bonus, you’ll achieve peace of mind by knowing you made something new out of something headed for the landfill.
Tracy can be found by visiting and following her here:
Thank you for visiting our Spotlight on Sustainability! We hope you have a better idea of what it means and were inspired by how others live and create sustainably. If you or someone you know is a creative and would enjoy being featured, drop a comment below and tag them! You could also Contact Us!
As Always, Stay Cozy!