Hi everyone! My family and I were on vacation for a week down in Florida. We got back yesterday afternoon and I’ve been unpacking and crawling out from under the huge pile of laundry since. I tell ya…travelling with a baby is a lot different than travelling with just my husband and I! However, Cooper was an absolute angel all week long and was such a good little guy on both plane rides. He had a blast in the pool and even came home with two more teeth than he left with! Now he’s got two on the bottom and two on the top. Makes for an adorable sight whenever he smiles. He slept for 12 and a half hours last night and just woke up from a three hour nap….we know who’s glad to be back in his own cozy crib! Well, I know I’m behind in the Eco-Tip of the week so I’ll have to post that next! It’s nice to be “connected” again and be able to blog, email, and update my websites again. Stay tuned for more!
hes so cute and i wish i new how that felt but then again ill wait tell im abuve 20 you know but thats cool that you got to go to flodia.
Welcome back! oooooo I miss my Coopie!
Your Lovely Sister
Thanks for welcoming me back! Black Assain…definitely wait until you are older to have children! Enjoy your youth while you have it because there’s plenty of time later in life for diaper changes, puke stained clothes, and sleepless nights. 🙂